Automobile Construction and Auto Service
Full-time form of education
The college has been realizing training of middle-level specialists for automobile construction from the first days of its existence. More than 4,500 young specialists have been trained at the department for this period.
Auto Service
Full-time form of education
The field of professional activity of a specialist is enterprises and organizations that realize maintenance and repair of automobiles. The professional functions of a specialist include: organization of maintenance and repair of automobiles.
Technical Maintenance of Electronic systems
Full-time form of education
Acceleration of scientific and technological progress and intensification of production are impossible without electronic means of automation and control, equipment with computer numerical control.
Technical Maintenance of Technological Equipment of Machine-Building
Full-time form of education
Introduction of new machines and technological equipment has resulted in a wide application of equipment fitted with hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Automobile Maintenance
Full-time form of education
A modern car is characterized by high reliability, power, efficiency, steerability, driving safety and comfort. Improving the operational properties of automobiles is associated with the complexity of their design and the use of new technologies, materials, mechanisms and devices.
Automobile Maintenance
Correspondence form of education
The rhythm of modern life is increasing rapidly. So a correspondence form of training of technicians-mechanics was reopened at college in 2000. 371 students are trained today at the correspondence department.